
Alpine Combi 3000

New high capacity stand alone food and frozen machine that fits through a 32” doorway. Patent pending design features next generation air flow architecture. Dispense refrigerated AND frozen foods from the same machine using a common delivery fall space.

Product Description


Product Specifications
Height 72″ (183 cm)
Width 29 1/2″ (75 cm)
Depth 38″ (97 cm)
Shipping Weight 725 lbs. (328 kg)
Electrical Services 115 VAC/60Hz, 13 Amps (230 VAC/50Hz, 6.5 Amps)
Temp. Range -15°F through 36°F
Refrigeration 5/8 HP Compressor R-404a System
Std. Selections Up to 36 items
Standard Capacity 320; Configurable up to 540
Pricing Individual from $0 to $999.95
Payment Systems All industry standard MDB compatible devices
Communication DEX/UCS
Standard Features LED Lighting, iVend® Delivery Sensors, Triple Pane Argon Filled Heated Door Glass with Low-E Coating
Optional Features Custom helix and tray configurations


  • Two machines in one. Refrigerated foods from the top ice cream and other frozen foods from the bottom
  • High capacity with up to 540 items and moves easily through most entryways
  • Glass front design reduces shopping and provides always full appearance
  • LED lighting enhances product presentation, requires no service for minimum of 5+ years and reduces lighting energy costs by 40% over fluorescent equipped models
  • Convertible in the field to fully refrigerated or fully frozen